On this page we convert personal growth and web3 research findings into courses and practical lifehacks. We are a collaboration between universities and communities, and we want to help you go 100x yourself. To reach your truest life, to awaken your Titan, your God-mode so to say. Our end game? Wake up millions of Titans across the globe. We therefore offer all our education as open-source, freely available for all to inspire freedom and spark potential across the globe.

I hope you will find what you're looking for.


The paths

Growth university

Paths come with a community of fellow web3, trading & growth enthusiasts. You can find them in our Titan Discord.

Why do I do what I do?

To improve, I write and build. To gain clarity, I share. Use whatever you like, I follow the universal rule of the more you give, the more you receive. This paradox is not just hippy stuff: sharing keeps me focused and helps me grow exponentially. It brought me my happiness, closest friends, (financial) freedom, and even a little bit of purpose.

So this is my story, my path. Use it to find yours.

With love and all my might,

Kidsune 🦊

If you are looking for me or have any questions, or just wanna bash, feel free to contact me on Twitter.

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